Julie Rushmore, DVM, PhD
disease ecology, behavioral ecology & epidemiology
Rushmore, J., Bisanzio, D., Gillespie, T. (2017) Making new connections: insights from
primate-parasite networks. Trends in Parasitology, 33(7): 547-560. [PDF]
Rushmore, J. Allison, A., Edwards, E., Altizer, S., Bagal, U., Cranfield, M. R., Glenn, T., Liu, H., Mugisha, L., Muller, M., Stumpf, R. M., Thompson, M. E., Wrangham, R., Yabsley, M. J. (2015) Screening wild and semi-free ranging great apes for putative sexually transmitted diseases: evidence of Trichomonadidae infections. American Journal of Primatology, 77(10): 1075-1085. [PDF]
Rushmore, J. Caillaud, D., Hall, R.J., Stumpf, R.M., Meyers, L.A., Altizer S. (2014) Network-based vaccination improves prospects for disease control in wild chimpanzees. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. [PDF]
Rushmore, J. Caillaud, D., Matamba, L., Stumpf, R.M., Borgatti, S.P., Altizer, S. (2013) Social network analysis of wild chimpanzees with insights for disease transmission. Journal of Animal Ecology. 82, 976-986. [PDF]
Han, B., Rushmore, J., Frische, A., Satterfield, D., Winternitz, J. (2012)Preempting pandemics [Review of the book The Viral Storm, by N. Wolfe]. Science. 337: 647-648. [PDF]
Rushmore, J. Leonhardt, S.D., & Drea, C.M. (2012) Sight or scent: lemur sensory reliance in detecting food quality varies with feeding ecology. PLoS One, 7(8): e41558. [PDF]
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© I. Kupferberg, Uganda 2010

TEDx Talk: Chimps, humans and the give and take of infectious diseases. (2015) Athens, Georgia. watch it here: